Summer 2024

Artificial Intelligence: The Future is Now

With the proliferation of AI tools, Immaculata has a responsibility to provide AI-focused skills essential to the evolving work environment. Even though students and educators are just beginning to understand the implications and complexities of AI, there is no doubt both groups are using it or plan to use it. As such, Immaculata is educating students, faculty and staff on the ethical and moral issues surrounding AI and is guiding them on how to use the tools effectively.

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Fashion Trends Through the Years at Immaculata

Members of the IU community from the 1960s to the present shared memories and photos of fashion through the years—the dress code, gym uniforms, outfits for special occasions, trendy brands and how special it was to get ready for a night out together.

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Putting College Within Reach Through Scholarships

As the oldest of 12, Mary Lou Kramer ’70 knew college was not an option without financial support. But when Immaculata offered her a full scholarship, she enjoyed a transformative education and felt empowered to pursue a law career. Now she offers other IU students the same opportunities she had.

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How Mother Camilla Award Winner Revolutionized Palliative Care

The Mother Camilla Maloney Award is being presented to Patricia Bomba ’72, M.D., F.C.C.P., M.A.C.P. for her dedication to the field of geriatrics and palliative care. As a recipient of a full scholarship to attend Immaculata, she continually shows the importance of giving back to her alma mater.

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Class Notes

See what Immaculata alumni have been up to with class notes, marriages and births, and death notices for alumni and family members.

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