Winter 2021

Lourdes Hall

In this photo, the stone steps in front of Lourdes Hall are as beautiful as they were circa 1938.

Loyola Hall

Although today’s attire may be different from students in this 1983 photo, Loyola Hall remains an academic hub, especially for students studying the sciences.

Music Room

The Music Room in Villa Maria Hall is exactly what its name suggests: a music room with space for individual practice rooms. Since this photo was taken in the 1940s, students have spent many hours practicing various musical instruments in this room.

Blue Room

Students rarely visited the stately Blue Room, tucked away off the Rotunda. Today it is used for special occasions.

Lourdes Hall Hallway

This 1941 photo depicts the 2nd floor hallway that connects Lourdes Hall, built in 1927, with Villa Maria Hall.


Dear IU Photograph

Dear IU Photograph is our take on the popular #dearphotograph social media trend.

In honor of our centennial year, this was a fun way to celebrate some of the iconic places on campus. 

Use the slider to see how Immaculata has changed over the years.


Winter 2021

Their Hearts Belong to IU via I-95

Their Hearts Belong to IU via I-95

“I like to say that I was ‘rescued’ by Immaculata after spending years chipping away at an engineering degree. At Immaculata, I found a sense of mission in completing my degree.” 

Connecting the Dots of COVID-19

Connecting the Dots of COVID-19

As a resident of Seattle, Washington, Bernadette Thomas ’01, M.D., M.S., found herself in the middle of the early “hot bed” of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S.

Inner Body Experience

Inner Body Experience

In January of 2020, the University secured a grant from the Henry A. Quinn Charitable Foundation to purchase an Anatomage Table, which is the world’s first virtual dissection table.

Embracing the Beauty of Diversity

How well do you relate to people who are different from you—people of other races or ethnicities, people with disabilities, sexual minorities, people of different ages or body sizes, and other kinds of differences, whether obvious or subtle?

Living in a Digital World

Immaculata University shifted to a new model of education, and in true IU fashion, faculty, staff and students quickly and enthusiastically embraced a new virtual reality.

What’s New at IU: Winter 2021

Tuition Freeze for 2021-2022 Academic Year Tuition for 2021-2022 will remain the same for all academic programs. Room and board and all fees will also remain at the current rate for next year. All 10 of Immaculata’s associate degree programs will now be priced at $250...

Soccer: Italian Style

Soccer: Italian Style

When Andrew Thomer ’20 was contacted by a recruiter to enroll in the Soccer Management Institute program (SMI) following the conclusion of his senior soccer season at Immaculata, he jumped at the opportunity.

Commencement 2020

Commencement 2020

Though it required extra creativity and persistence this year, Immaculata University held commencement ceremonies last Nov. 15. And not even the masks could hide graduates’ smiles.

Message From President Lettiere

Happy New Year! We look forward to these three words each year, and today they ring even louder. 2021 comes with high expectations, perhaps a renewed outlook and sense of priority for all of us. Learning and reflecting are paramount to moving forward, and at Immaculata University, this lies at the heart of our mission.

Good news abounds, and it is important for us to share stories that provide us with truth, pride, inspiration and perspective. In this issue, you will meet alums who embody success in so many ways. I am humbled by their bravery, talent, capability and imagination. Equally evident is the love and appreciation for their alma mater, as is the commitment to use what they have learned to serve the world in ways meaningful and impactful. You will also read about how creative technology is improving access and opportunity in the classroom and beyond. Even our magazine has a new upgrade to a digital version that will allow you to experience additional content, photos and other complements to our printed version.

Although our centennial year has officially ended, we continue to reflect upon and honor our strong history, which informs the vision of our future for Immaculata. In this photograph, we can easily see change over time on our campus. Progress happens every day and in many ways. Yet, the bones and spirit of Immaculata remain unchanged, and will forever serve us well. Let us all embrace this New Year with open arms and minds and continue changing the world.

Barbara Lettiere 72

Barbara Lettiere ’72

University President

Immaculata University

1145 King Road
Immaculata, PA 19345

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