Duffy’s Cut
The Duffy’s Cut Museum at Immaculata University temporarily displayed human remains of some of the Irish railroad workers found at the Duffy’s Cut excavation site. These bones, which had never been on display before, were then sent for scientific testing.

Penn State/IU Nursing Informatics
Through an innovative partnership with Penn State Great Valley, Immaculata University is offering an M.S.N. in Nursing Informatics. The new program combines Penn State’s graduate certificate in analytics for managers with IU’s M.S.N., providing two credentials that integrate nursing science, computer science and information science to manage and communicate data and wisdom in nursing practice. The new program is designed for those who earned a B.S.N. or another undergraduate degree. Immaculata’s M.S.N. students who meet admissions standards can apply for free and are guaranteed acceptance into Penn State’s certificate program.
Cue & Curtain Performance: “Newsies”
Immaculata University’s Cue and Curtain Theater group presented “Newsies” as its spring production. The musical is based on the Disney film. Set in turn-of-the century New York City, “Newsies” is the rousing tale of Jack Kelly, a charismatic newsboy and leader of a band of teenaged “newsies.” Kelly Gebhardt, D.M.A., an adjunct professor of music at Immaculata, directed the production.

Fashion Show Fundraiser
Immaculata University’s Annual Fashion Show is a fundraiser to provide prom dresses for high school students with limited incomes. While showcasing a variety of beautiful dresses provided by David’s Bridal and Elizabeth Johns Bridal Boutique, the show also featured African-style dresses provided by Francien Richardson, Psy.D., professor of psychology at Immaculata and a native of Liberia. Members of Immaculata’s African American Cultural Society assisted in modeling these dresses.
Student Leadership Awards
Congratulations to the students who received awards that recognized their leadership skills, displayed both on and off campus.

Top Row, L to R: Ellie Loose, Payton Conard, Theresa Arata, Nick Livolsi
Nursing Student Food Drive
Senior nursing students in the community nursing course conducted a food drive during the spring semester to help the Food Bank of Chester County. The drive yielded 424 pounds of food and $3,248.

Business and Applied Tech Lab Dedication

Two new student labs opened this past academic year. The Applied Technology Lab is designed to support cybersecurity, information systems and data analytics majors and includes software such as Python, VMware (for other operating systems, including various versions of Linux), Postgres and SQLite databases, Wireshark (for network analysis), and standard office software. The Business Lab has an active stock ticker running across the wall that helps simulate a financial space and sets the real-world business environment. Monitors stream financial news and there is business-specific software, including FactSet, a financial information and research resource.
Unified Sports/Special Olympics Event
Immaculata’s Department of Health, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences partnered with the Special Olympics of Chester County to begin a Unified Sports program on campus. Special Olympics Unified Sports® creates an opportunity for people without intellectual disabilities to join in the sports experience by playing on a team with athletes with intellectual disabilities. Immaculata kicked off the program with Special Olympics’ athletes and Immaculata student-volunteers joining together to learn basketball fundamentals. The campus community will have future opportunities to be involved in Unified Sports.